I couldn't do a Mother's day post because I was out of town. So this isn't really for her birthday, more for me to talk about her.
My mom is a writer and I rank her up there with J.K. Rowling and Tolkien (okay so maybe not that high, but she's pretty darn good). I love reading what she writes, and I especially love it when she writes about me because she'll say things about me I don't normally hear otherwise.
She's also a wonderful person. She cries a lot and that bothers me because I feel like the things she's crying over don't need to be cried about but I realize it's just her way of dealing with stuff. She puts up with me when I'm being a brat (which is quite often) and she runs my brother and I all over the place.
She just got out of the hospital for the second time this month. The first time every possible thing that might have been wrong with her crossed my mind. What if something happened? What if it was cancer or some other deadly sickness? What if she died? Well she didn't (thank god) but that doesn't mean it didn't shake my world to it's core. The second time was just for a surgery (a simple surgery) that went smoothly. Both times made me realize just how much I loved my mom, and how much she takes care of me.
My mom loves cats. And books. And oldies music (well oldies to me, they're Beatles to her).
She's obsessed with history and I can't count the amount of battlefields she's dragged me to.
She has a big family that's sometimes hard for me to keep track of.
Much to my dismay she likes to watch black and white silent movies and since today is her birthday she has free reign of the television all day (I'll get it on Saturday).
She works hard to take care of my family and I'm proud of her. I've never had to be a kid who worried about their parents getting a divorce, or had one of their parents incarcerated or didn't even know who one of their parents were.
So Happy Birthday mom, your little girl loves you even if I'm not so little anymore.
Oh and just for the record?
This picture is about five years old.
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