Friday, January 24, 2014

Ever Changing

      So I actually think this post is a bit late, but here it is.

      The day I started high school, I felt like I was going to throw up. I was going into a music program, what if I wasn't good enough? The school's academics were so much better than what I was used to, what if my grades fell behind? And let's not forget, what if I don' t make friends? After all, all of my childhood friends went to different schools.

      It wasn't till my first report came back that my worries began  to cease. My grades were as good as ever, I'd yet again pulled a 4.0. My teachers obviously liked me, as I had a '1' in citizenship for every class. I'd managed to, yet again, keep  myself out of detention. And I had a small group of amazing friends.

      It was also around that time I was starting to find  my niche at this new school. My history teacher asked me to join the Academic Challenge team, I joined game club and French club as well. Of course, just when things were going well, they had to go downhill.

      All of the students in my program have to participate in a music competition. You're only competition is yourself really, but you're still trying to get the highest score you can. Well the competition was a week ago, and I got my music four before that. Now, I've never learned a piece of music on my own in my life, and suddenly, I had four weeks to learn an extremely complicated piece.

     I pulled it off though, landing myself a score of a 2 (the highest you could get is a 1). Now grades have closed for the second grading period and I'm anxiously awaiting semester grades.

      I'm starting to realize though, every decision I make is affecting my future. The kids I hang out with, how much effort I put into my grades and my music, the extra curricular activities I participate in. Then I look back at the nervous kid who started high school with no clue what was going to happen, and I realize I'm nothing like that girl. I still worry too much about my grades, and I'm still an over-achiever. But I've come to realize that my personality has changed a lot. And I've realized something else too. If it doesn't truly matter to you, then it isn't worth it, and you shouldn't waste your time.


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